Friday, March 16, 2007

New Candle light Theater

Two mondays ago I auditioned for The New Candle Light Dinner theater in ardentown Delaware,
a forty min train ride from philly, and my friend Jess from my show Aida picked me up, and when we got to the theater we saw our other friend from Aida Latasha. This is only cool because we were the 3 christians in that show. Tash just got done doing the tour of Hairspray, and Jess finished up doing Belle in B and the B. SO we're at this theatre and it looks kind of like glorified community theatre, and the people who were there to audition only helped with that feeling. I definitely felt that there was only a couple people there in the calibur of my friends and I. Now the show that they're doing is Chicago, so it was mostly girls, and everyone was dressed in black, and some kind of short mini skirt, (as they should be). Now I had only 15 mins to get ready for the train, so I ended up throwing clothes, jeans a sweater, I don't really look professional, more like a goofy kid who is just playing around, which I used for my advantage. And it so happens that I was not able to get pictures printed out from Cvs that day,( which was weird cause everyone else could), so I didn't have a head shot to give them, and we ended up just taking this poleroid of me. Well the picture came out great! I'm in this classic goofy pose from disney, Like an "Oh Boy!" thing with my arm, and this big old teeth smile, with this light, and dark green striped sweater on with a light, and dark blue scarf on and my penn state blue beanie on. If I can get a copy, you'd better believe I'll post it. I ask the stage manager if I should take the scarf and hat off for my singing audition, and she said hey be you, so I said heck no! I figure I do a switcharoo, and just change for the dancing and surprise every body.
I in go to sing, and the production staff has these weird smiles and smerks on their faces from my picture, like who in the world is this goofball. And then I sang, and surprised them even more. so done with that, and waiting with my friends again to dance. I decide to go change in this closet that was right behind us. As soon as I step out, I hear gasps from the room, and the stage manager yells out, "you weren't kidding! You are Hot!"
Anyway so we go into dance, And it was like every eye was on me. Now I have on my dance clothes on, all black, tight, no glasses, the way I would be expected to look for this musical. They just didn't know I could bring it. So now there is only 2 other guys there besides me to dance, this over over weight white kid who auditioned for Mary Sunshine( because in the stage show she's played by a man who sings Opera, which I didn't know), by the way he kicked it singing I was blown away. And the other guy was this tall skinny white kid. So I wasn't really troubled by competition. We learn the dance and split into groups, well people just couldn't believe that I looked so good doing this dance. All glory to God. But I was trained in Fosse at school, that's like one of the best looking dance forms on my body, and that is the whole style of this show. so anyway it went really well. When I wasn't dancing I'd go back to this goofy Guy I was playing.

So they called me 2 days later to offer me a role in the ensemble. Let's just say what they offered, was not reasonable, so I said no. But over the course of the week, something happened that has never happened before. The Theater kept calling me back and basically asked how they could accommodate me. and thru some negotiations , I decided to take the offer. So that made me feel really awesome, that they wanted me so much for there production. Helps build confidence, and makes me feel like this is just the beginning.

Rehearsals start April 1st, and the show runs from May4 til July 15, please pray that it is a great cast, that we all get along, and that I rely on God's strength, and perform well.( Thats Jess in the picture, she's in the movie Annapolis)


rainaleon said...

I'm already so impressed, man. Hope all goes well for you with this new production. Sure it will with your energy.

Slobo said...

Good suff, bro! PTL! I have your blog bookmarked, so you better keep it up-to-date!

Anonymous said...

Well written article.