Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I am sorry it has taken me a while to let you know how things went last week,


I MADE IT!!!!!!!!!

Yes I went up to New York, and I straight up represented!!God totally let me rock this city!!! Infact God blessed me so hard, I haven't been able to keep everybody updated on what happened because I am still dealing with the effects of this past week, and weekend.

Not only Did everything for Cirque work out, and I made it all the way thru and get put on file, but the audition that I went to for Pilobolus dance company was a success. Infact that went so well, that right now I am in Connetticut rehearsing with them for a part time gig, performance in Germany. I also crashed an audition for a theatre in California, which I made it all the way thru, and was asked to sing.

Now it is an absolute alot to write about, so I will be taking these next couple of days while I'm here in my hotel room at night to tell the stories one by one.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The big Finish

SO after 6 weeks of training, dancing and dieting, I am off to New York!
Man what a ride.
God has been teaching me some pretty incredible things about myself, Let me tell ya it hasn't been easy trying to figure out how to prepare for all this, and the crazy mind games I've had to go thru, for instance me thinking that I was the sole person responcible for me getting this Job, and if I don't it was because I didn't work hard enough.

Yeah that's a load of crap, with a side of HOO hAAW. God was the one who opened this door, and He is the only one responcible for the outcome, My job was to just prepare myself, and will be to do the best that I can do, going in there confidently that I am a dancer, and more so that I'm vaulable to God, and that really is all that matters.

SO, Here I go, Pilobolus is tomorrow, which apparently will be quick and sweet, and then the callback for that will be thursday, and then I will try for some Theatre in Cali on friday morning, followed by the tour of Legally Blonde that afternoon, both equitys that I'll crash, and then I end the week with the fabulous Cirque du Soleil!!
Now I don't know whats going to happen or what God is going to do, tonight I was told to keep my eyes open, the only thing I know is only up from here!!!

Please keep me in your prayers hard core this week.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

the calming aspects of fried chicken

Sorry again for the long period of time, I haven't auditioned much cause of trying to stay focused on training, and there really hasn't been too much of anything, but all that is changing now.

SO last week I was called by Dave Clemmons casting, this company actually has been the casting agency for a couple of shows that I've auditioned for now, including the tour of Evita. Now as you know I haven't got every show I've auditioned for, but I tend to make it thru most of my auditions, because it is not up to the casting agency, but the director of the show, thats why I would not neccesarilly be what they wanted, but the Agency would come back and tell me that they have me on file. Now one hears this alot, but you never really think it means anything. Until, you get a call.
So they called me and invited me to audition for the European tour of West Side Story. The funny thing about this was I was actually already planning on going to the open call anyway. Now the open call was at 930am this past wednesday, now for some reason I had 43opm written down on my calender. SO me truckin right along in life preparing for things, not really double checking just plan my day accordingly. Get up early, work out, take the 8am bikram yoga class, go to ballet, have a hf hr in the gym to tone and stretch, and take the 1pm bus to new york. That bus was a Peter Pan, and they are better rides, with better interiors, and they show movies!, SO I was all excited and ready to go. SO I wake up early do my thing, and am about to head out the door, when I give it one last check at the studio on line, cause I haven't been to Chelsea's studios in a while( remember it's the one that has m&ms). Well I check it out, and the audition is at 930am! Oh noo.

it's aready after 7 which would be the bus I would need to ride to be there by 9am so that's out. If I hurry I can still take the 8 and be there by 10, and still sgin up, So I'm ripping things out of my bag that I won't need like I thought for ballet, and Bikram, and just rush out the door, only to realize that this is the day that the whole ground is covered in ice. yippee. On the way to the Subway I check my phone message from DC casting, and remembered why I had 430pm, cause that;s the time they told me! So now I'm pondering, and slightly confused. I decide that if there is an error, it is on them, and they will hear from me, and decide to continue on like I had planned, with all the training I had planned, and that I would just leave it in God's hands. Well turnd out it was a special invited call that was at 430 so I was fine. I love this whole being invited thing, there's more respect involved, don't have to go thru the whole cattle call hassle, it's just so more at ease.

I did ok in the audition, I was the darkest one there, and the buffest one, so I don't know How likely it is that I'll be called back, and everything that the sharks do dance wise is on their left leg, with the famous old picture with the left leg kicked out to the side. Well My left leg can't kick my face yet. And he really wanted that, So it was an unevenful day, though walking down the hall the Choreographer did thank me for coming which was nice of him. But I felt alone, and a little down so on the way home after we arrived in philly I bought some fried chicken!.
Now I have a pretty rigorous schedule coming up.
My Cirque audition is next saturday and sunday, but I have also been invited to audition for Pilobolus on wednesday, It's another world reknown dance company that does alot with human sculpture kind of images. and there is a Legally Blonde Tour Call on friday. So I will go up and stay in nyc from wed til sunday. Now my knees are doing ok, they are still healing, but now my right groin muscle is acting up on me iving me sharp pain at times when I turn out, so please those of you who pray, lift me up!! cause it's only up from here!!!

Sunday, February 3, 2008


Who wouldn't want to go to Haiwai!!

Yeah I think everyone in this country would hope to make a life stop on those islands one day. Well that being said when I got a an email that told me there was an audition for Norwegian cruiselines specifically for there Aloha cruiseline I immediately bought a bus ticket, even when it was only like 8hrs til I had to get up for it! That is how things kind of go in this bizness, when you see an oppurtunity, you gotta just get up and go.
I had to get up at 530am so that I could stay in my routine of working out for my Cirque aud. before I got ready to get the bus. Ugh, gruelling. Got the 7am greyhound,(which by the way they uped there prices which sucks, but it's only 50 cents more then china town, with subway ride, so still worth it.) The studio they used is this new studio, called The New Dance Group, which is this beautiful space with like 9 studios, and tons of all types of classes, I can't wait to take class there!
One thing I've learned about cruiseline auditions, all the students come out from the woodworks for these, and so there is a total difference in attitude and professionalism, and a naivity. Kids who just talk and talk, and can be annoying, and can't really dance, or just don't understand how to properly present themselves yet. It's ok though, it'll come in time.
For some reason I can't find my jazz shoes so I figured I would just do it in socks or barefeet. Now I ended up being in the 3 group to go in, only because I went up to the moderator and asked him if I should have been in that group, which then I had to run in late and figure everything out in the back, cause they had already learned like the first 16 counts of 8. The choreographer yelled something like," You alright back there?" to which I replied, I will be. And by the grace of God I was. Long Story short, I made it passed that cut, even in barefeet.( though when I had to perform the combination they turned us sideways to face the table and cut off all our space to dance, not very smart of them. I ended up nicking my toe on the bar from a kick, and getting kicked by another guy.) After all the guys who got picked learned another dance, cowboy themed. We all did well, and they kept us all, put us on tape, and kept us on file. That's the way Cruises work, you make it by getting on file, then if they want you for a certain ship they call you. I decided to stay and sing as well, and I did, it was nice and pretty, and they told me I had a good day, which I only hope means we'd really like to use you, and plan on hiring you. They have an immediate need for a male starting feb 21. which is only 2 days from my cirque aud. Now I would love to be offered a job, anywhere!!!