Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The opened door

Well, I decided to label this the open door because I have experienced a new level of this business, where more things are, or are able to happen. Now last thursday I auditioned for CHICAGO the musical on Broadway, I figured hey what the heck why not. Now the audition was held in the AEA building, which is the equity building, you know the union for actors, and if you are not equity then you can only wait out in the hallway, and not go into the lounge waiting room, or use any bathroom, in fact you have to go back outside around the corner to use the bathroom at McDonalds. yeah thanks!

But then I heard something, and someone told me to try something, so I pulled out my EMC card which is my equity membership candidate which I recently received in the mail, and proceeded to go in, and what do you know, I was aloud in, HA! Awesome! Now I refused to go to auditions that were held in this building cause who wants to feel lower by not even being seen, or having to wait in some crowed hallway, oh not me no thanks, but now I can, and I have to limit myself to certain auditions. whoo hoo.

The audition. Well I forgot my shoes, Darn, so I figured I'd have to do it all barefoot, but wouldn't you know another fellow, John Baptist to be exact, had brought character shoes that he was wearing so I got to use his. Now you know how this show is, so you know all the guys there were hot and good looking, and wearing all the tight black or chest popping clothes, (including myself, hey I'm trying to get a job!) The combination was easy, it was the opening All that Jazz, and only a little different than what I do in my show. But they had everyone go, split people in piles, but didn't keep any of us non equity folk,( they did see equity though), but hey at least we got seen. I don't know what pile I was in, but they said they would call people in a couple of months. So if I hear something you'll know about it.

A lot of the auditions I go too I find off the web on certain websites, but there is a certain one called backstage that you have to subscribe too, and that's the one you want, cause it has everything, film tv, tours, industrials, just everything. I didn't really have the money for it, but I figured I could try it for a month, only 1295 and see what I could find, man let me tell you the door opened wide, talk about being in the know, I'm finding all sorts of stuff, now it's a matter of which auditions I'm going to go to on the same day, for instance I have 3 to try and go to on june 4, and 4 to try and make on june 11, including Finding nemo, the Wedding singer, Disney Cruiselines, Hairspray, and Guys and Dolls in California. geesh. Praise the Lord!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Check us out

Ok ok,

For those of you in the area, come check out
CHICAGO, the musical
2208 millers road ,Ardentown Delaware, some little hippy community
tickets are 47.00- 30.00 for kids

It runs every weekend til July 15, friday saturday nite, and matinee on sunday.
now it's a dinner theatre, so the price includes an all you can eat buffet. If you can come
let them know you would like me as your server!

You can check out their website, or
check out their my space page.
I would love it if you could come! If not don't worry, but tickets to see me, are only going to get more expensive with each show! hahahaha
all the way to the top!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Death Watch

I'm going to go off subject here for this one, hope you don't mind a little real life.

Yesterday I help celebrate my mother's birthday. It was great , took her and my Dad to a fancy restaraunt here in philly, where we were VIP statused because Of where I work, and they did it right made her feel great.
On they way in she said something that was off kelter, she says We're celebrating Death, and explained that we're celebrating another day closer to her dying, and how she is in the midst of watching her mother, my grandmother, on her death bed. It was heavy and real though, somwhat light hearted, very matter of fact sort of tone, my dad tried to pursuade her out of it but, My mother's always lived in the real world, I think she's where I get my cander for just being real.
We sit down, and a thing happened my mother did, which I never would've expected, and was taken off guard for a moment. When the waiter was going to take the extra place setting away, my mother stopped him, and said it was in honor of her mother. Ok. Now my grandma was still living so I was thrown a little off, Now my mother had sent me a text the morning before saying that I need to see her cause she doesn't have much time, so I knew to be more sensitive. as I said Lunch was great, My mother felt special. Mission accomplished in a extra hard time.

It was an hr later, when I was standing in Jcrew trying to meet with a manager wondering why I didn't get the job, when I received a call from my mother saying, "grandma had passed away, I'll talk to you later." Oh dear Lord, not on this day!

But my mother wrote a poem as she often does to express how she feels, called death watch, in it she talks about how her son wants to celebrate her life, and how we all have to die, and therefore we should celebrate living.

So take a moment,
Now go out and live,
and remember, living is loving people as hard as you possibly can

The Disney Trio

Hello hello,

I started out this crazy week, with an audition in NYC, for what I thought was Disney Cruiseline. Now In the world of Musical theatre, performing on a cruise doesn't give you that much credit. It really doesn't count as a tour of any kind, but it's a great exeperience and good money. Andf It would an awesome vacation that has been long coming, a chance to travel the hot sea, be on beautiful beaches and getting paid well to dance, Bring it on!

Now Disney has an audition for their crusie line just about every month, I have done this audition before, I think some time in january, and I made it thru, and they video taped me, and put me on file. Great, but what does that mean. Anyway, I get to the studio sign in find a spot to sit down, and who do I see but my old friend from Penn State Rebecca Miller. Cool, actually she was the one I saw at the other Disney one in Jan as well. Hey when you need a job , you need a job.

The first group goes in, which I am not apart of, so I was able to look in the window later to try and see what kind of combination it was. Couldn't really see much thru the curtains accept a big kick,(which I thought was on the right side,my good leg). and hear the music which happened to be from the soundtrack of dreamgirls, How awesome! Uh Oh, you better get it disney.

So time passes, the first group of 20 is out and we go in. The combination, is real quick, and short, oh and I was wrong the kick was on the left, the not as good as my right leg. But surprisingly, I still looked like I could kick my face with it, so praise the Lord! All that stretching is doing me good. They kept just 4 people from my group, and I was the only boy. SO we had to stay and wait for the call back after the last group.

When we got back into the room, we meet everyone who is sitting in the corner, all the producers of disney stuff, and we come to find out, That Tokyo Disney, Walt Disney World, and The Cruiseline is there, oh, sweet. get it all done at once. Out of over 60 people, they keep only 9 people all together, and only 3 guys. we learn more of the combination, which was hot, the guy teaching was actually one of the guys who was apart of my big Carmen audition I was invited too for those of you who remember that. So we all do well, they tape us all again, we fill out the paper work, and the Casting guy tells me that he isn't looking for anything for the cruiseline, but that he's got a spot in Beauty and the beast.( which is at disney world). I say ok great. And then another one wanted to see if I could tap, so I threw some stuff together and showed that I could, no Savion Glover, but I can. and that was all.

I never know how aggressive I should be whne it comes to auditioning, or what I'm suppossed to say. Like if I should have been like great yeah when does that start, and always sound super interested. I don't know, the tokyo guy said he would call the girls he wanted in june, so hopefully That's when I'll hear something. I said the only way I'd work at Disney again would be if I were equity, or in a show, so maybe I'm going back down to Disney? Who knows, I'm just wishin on a star hopin my dreams will come true.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Hot Philly Advertising!!

So we opened the show this past weekend! It went well Both nights, we even got a standing Ovation Opening night. Awesome. Well There was this humungatoid festival going on in rittenhouse square and all up walnut street here in philly on saturday, and we were asked to join some other theaters in performing on a stage outside at the festival. We ended up being first, Then it went The prince Music theater, The Walnut st theater, and then some other not so known. Anyway it was a big hit, we did great, and brought alot of people over to see us perform, well who doesn't want to see a bunch of hot sexy girls, and some good lookin guys, on stage dancing seductively! I think we had a larger crown than all the other theaters too, GO US! BUT MAN WAS IT HOT OUT THERE. And I had to be in a leather vest. Oh by the way, Thats Calley in the picture upside down, She is fantastic,(her mom was the one who took the pictures).So since most of yas couldn't be there, here's some pictures from the event!( If you look at the last picture, sorry for it being unclear, but that's Calley's leg, she kicks it up at the end of the number and Nick grabs it right on the last down beat. At this exact same time, I am in the front, and slam into a split, you can see my foot on the right of the girl's head. and there's Andre. GottA love theater!!!)