Monday, April 14, 2008

Well There hasn't been any auditions lately that I've thought beneficial for me to go to, hence why I haven't wrote much.

I have just been dancing, and resting, and working out my body. Trying to see people and spend some quality time with folks before I move and really never get to see them.

But maybe something you all don't know, is that I sing as well. Being in my business, you have to be a triple threat! ( someone who can sing dance and act).

Anyway, I am apart of a choir, well during college I was in this choir that was so awesome that an alumni entity had to be made so we could handle the demand, and make a professional part for us. SO this weekend I had to run back and forth to York, Pa to sing with the choir. We had a great time seeing each other and making music together. Now this is not just some choir, there are lots of people in this choir who are performers on Broadway, and Broadway calibur musicians who teach music. Some of the shows we represent are: A CHORUS LINE, RENT, HAIRSPRAY, THE PUTNAM COUNTY SPELLING BEE, GREASE, BLAST, just to name a few.

So I thought I'd let you in on the fun a little bit.

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