Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Pass Around

WOw!! Talk about busy!

Well it all started out with an audition last friday at the Walnut Street Theatre here in philly. I have been trying to get into the Nut(as we all cal it), since I got here almost 3 yrs ago. The closest I ever got was when I crashed the singers call last year for PETER PAN, I wrote about it(the title of the blog starts out with Green Tights).

The audition was for HAIRSPRAY. Now this is one of the musicals on my Havetoo list. I would love to be in this show, the joy and merriment that the music in this show gives me is just too overwhelming for me to not be in this show. I had an audition before for this show in NY for another theater in CA, which was awesome, the combination was fierce as all get out, but I wasn't able to go to the call back cause fortunately I was in rehearsal with Pilobolus. So that just means it wasn't my time to work there yet. Because of that routine, I was expecting the same level of choreographic intensity, um which it totally wasn't. But anyway, I passed the dance cut, and I along with a Hip hop teacher at Koresh(the school I take class at, and Company I interned with), was asked to talk to the director and choreographer. The next thing happened that I would never expected. 1:They asked us if we could grow hair, 2:when the last time we saw our hair was, 3:and if having hair made us look younger.

The figured since we were great dancers they would still here us sing, "oh boy!"

Anyway, Last sunday I went to the big apple for an audition for ALL SHOOK UP. It's kind of seen as an Elvis musical, though it really kind of isn't but has his music in it. It was explained to me as a more Disneyer version of Footloose. Outsider hot guy comes into small country drab town, and makes everything go from black and white to technicolor, and everyone can do triple pirouettes. The first thing we learned was this type out dance. What this is is just everyone doing the simplest 3 8 count dance just so they choreographer can just cut the people He's not even going to look at, cause they either don't have the right type for his show or whatever. So pass that and we learn this total fun combination, It was great it had turns, sycipation, a big kick and the twist, what more do you need, and of course I put some unjulations in it. So I got pass that cut and actually was told to come to the callback that was on tuesday morning to dance and sing again.

I was trying to go to 2 other auditions on Monday and tuesday and was not able to even get seen cause I was not Equity, Man I can't stand this not non Equity crap, the next show I'm in in the fall, God willing, I will get my card.
Monday night I get a call from this girl named Sarah at Binder Casting Agency, WHOAAAA!!

Um Binder Casting Agency casts Broadway and movies! Now I have gotten to the point where Dave Clemmons casting had called me in for invited dance calls, but that is most a nonequity agency, so to be called by her was awesome in itself. This is where it got weird though, she call and invited me to dance call for the show ALL SHOOK UP. She said she had gotten my headshot and resume from the same guy who ran the other audition on sunday, and who was directing this show for another theater, and around the same time too. What? yeah I was thinking that too. So apparently this guys is doing this show at 2 different theaters in the fall. So of course I said I was coming, now this call was for wednesday at noon, man I love invited calls, but this meant that I again would either have to stay in New York over night from tuesdays call back or make another trip back and forth, again it was just the final confirmation that I am moving to New York.
The callback tuesday morning was nothing but great fun. The guy we were auditioning for was Marc Robbin, a pretty know guy in this world of regional theatre but I had never heard of him before. He was tubuler, and was so laid back and fun, it totally eased the tention of the audition. Something fun he had us do was clap for everybodys group when they were dancing, which gaves us a hightened since of support and goofiness when we danced. It was just really nice. So pass the dance cut again, and now he has us sing, I end up being the 3 person to go, which was cool, I don't think I've ever sang so early before. I go in and the first thing he says to me is how awesome of a dancer I am, and how I captivated everybodys attention when I danced! Way cool!, Now I have also heard, and seen first hand that this man is known for complimenting out the wahzoo, while he will continually put you on the cut list. But hey take it where you can get it. And then he asked me why I haven't auditioned for anything at the Walnut since I lived in philly, cause he choreographed PETER PAN and would haved loved me in it! HA! and we both agreed that Walnut was stupid, hehehehe. But on my way out he made sure I was coming the next day, and I was just kind of smerking and was like yeah of course and asked him if it would be the same thing, and he was like yeah, pretty much everything. ...ok, great
Now I am trying to find work for the fall, thats what all these auditions are for. I just want to make sure now more than ever that I always have rent money coming in, I am so afraid of not being able to pay rent and live in Nyc, hey man if any of you want to contribute to the Keep Dark Chocolate Dancing and Eating fund please go right ahead, email with any donations, We appreciate the kind that jingles but love the kind that folds!!!
Moving on, So I have been trying to get any kind of dance gig for next fall, So I went and auditioned for this dance company that is based in Brooklyn but that is getting enough acclaim is perfomring in the Olympics this summer in China! Now one of my goals is to also dance in the Olympics, which is pretty much I think the only reason why I ventured all the way out there to audition. It was very intimidating to be watched and scrutinized by these 6 people, and in the course of the one on 6 audition you could just tell that my body structure was just not right for the movement, oh well, I kind of want to stick to doing theatre anyway.

But While I was there I recieved another phone call from some other guy Whos doing a production of THE FULL MONTY at some other theatre some where else. He tells me that Bob Kline Casting agency gave them my headshot and resume and told them I would be good for this, they were the agency that was doing the first call from sunday and this callback on tuesday. But I ended up totally missing this call cause it was the same time as my Dance Company audition.

But the fact that from one audition I ended up being invited to 3 was totally cool for me, an dsuch an amazing realization, that man as soon as I get to NYC and become Euqity I'm going to always be working, and then I'm going to hit every goal I can!!!! CIRQUE here I come!!!!!!!!!