So, My BARNUM call back.
Yesterday morning I had an ivitation to go back in to Chelsea studio for another chance to book this show. When I got there I saw that there were other people there I had not seen from the dance call, So I was trying to figure out where they could have come from. Turns out there were people from the singers call, and who had been submitted by their agents. Darn them and there agents! I had recognized a guy from being on BROADWAY in the dance musical HOT FEET, and found out that there were other guys there who had just been cast in the new BWAY show ANGELS, which sadly got put on hold cause of financial decisions.
But here I am, this is the level of my oppisition, everyones trying to get a job. There were probably 20 of us give or take, and right before we started to dance the casting director says "ok and Alfie Parker, you are the only one who is not in the union of equity?"
Gees I thought way to totally call me out and ostrisize me. Oh well, hey at least I made it that far right being the only non ec guy. Anyway we danced in 2s, and I have to admit I didn't do my absolute best, but I ended up making it past that cut. They cut maybe 6 or more guys, and then we had to tap.
So I was debating on whether I wanted to put my tap shoes on or not since they're new, and since I haven't taken a tap class since my sophomore year in college. I am not the best tapper, I know the vocab but not the body weight distribution, I stay to upright and rigid and don't relax my muscles. So needless to say I was scared, but I put them on and stood in the back. Then the worst part happened,
He made us do it one by one, ... oh
Well the Choreographer is awesome and he stood right up there with us working on certain parts, just making sure we could get it with 4 weeks of rehearsal, He seems like he would be a great guy to work for. Well they decided to keep all of us to sing. So here we go, made it past dancing phew, praise God.
They wanted us to sing the same song, so I changed it up a bit, and sang it slower and more melodic, which they liked, but then they asked me to sing something that was fun and up beat so I had to pull my Mean Ole Lion out of my bag of tricks so to speak, from THE WIZ. Now I haven't sung that song in a while so I was just doing this for the fun of it. It was fun, I was over the top, and they were laughin right along with me, I even messed up the words, and it was still good.
What was interesting that had never happened to me before was after I sang they asked me what my EMC status was. Which means where are you in terms of getting your equity card, and joining the union. Which I thought was an entirely weird question to ask. But I told them that I was actually presented with a contract that would give me my card in October, Then the casting Lady says, but our show starts rehearsal in October, which I slowly replied, with maybe a slight smikr, or smile on my face, "I Know", and then explained how I have not signed a contract with them yet. SO then they asked me to read another scene which went well, he had me read it twice, and then they let me go.
SO all and all it was a good time, good audition.
Well I got a call around 5pm from the theatre in florida that is doing the show, to offer me a contract in the show. Not just any contract but a Full Equity Contract!!!
WOO HOO God did it!
SO I will be a full fledge union member when the first day of rehearsals starts, which is in 6 weeks!
Yeah Now I can buy groceries!!!