Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I am sorry it has taken me a while to let you know how things went last week,


I MADE IT!!!!!!!!!

Yes I went up to New York, and I straight up represented!!God totally let me rock this city!!! Infact God blessed me so hard, I haven't been able to keep everybody updated on what happened because I am still dealing with the effects of this past week, and weekend.

Not only Did everything for Cirque work out, and I made it all the way thru and get put on file, but the audition that I went to for Pilobolus dance company was a success. Infact that went so well, that right now I am in Connetticut rehearsing with them for a part time gig, performance in Germany. I also crashed an audition for a theatre in California, which I made it all the way thru, and was asked to sing.

Now it is an absolute alot to write about, so I will be taking these next couple of days while I'm here in my hotel room at night to tell the stories one by one.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

yay, Alfie!!!!! God opens up the right doors, one by one...I am so excited for you!!! When do you leave for Germany?