Sunday, March 16, 2008

A quick breath


Well, I am finally back. And I can finally get back into a groove of letting you know what's going on. I am sorry for those of you who have had nothing to do while I have been delinquent in not writing and keeping you updated. My life has been a whirl wind of travel, and opportunity, and new experiences!! Which is totally, fantastically, Awesome!!!!!
SO I have been in New Milford, CT rehearsing with the Dance company Pilobolus. Now I should clarify, I am not in the main company, no they are touring as we speak around the globe. But since they are wanted so much they have to have satellite companies that can do other gigs, hence where I come in, and the other cats in my company.
Now My company consists of the Director Otis who was in the main company for about 10 yrs, actually if you look down he's the white bald guy holding up those 3 other people in the picture. Yeah he's totally awesome too. He's like My big brother, we have the same kind of body type, and bald head, and love for dessert! Oh and we both have this really uncanny knack to become characters, just change our bodies and faces to create different people. So we're kind of paired against each other in our piece.

Then we have 5 others who have been performing with the satellite company for a while, Cdub, Cree, Holly, Molly, and Mark. They have been great in helpin us newbies learn the material, and feel comfortable about being ourselves and being there, and opening ourselves to create. The 3 others who got hired like me for this cast are, Mauriah, Lauren, and Jeff. So there are 10 of us, and the awesome thing is we all get along, and have a great time with each other.

Now Pilobolus work is very physical, and at times crazy, as you can tell from the pictures I've shown you before, so getting our bodies acclimated to this style took a while. Let me just tell ya, a 9 o clock felt like midnight, so after a 10 hr day, we pretty much crashed at 10pm the first week. Which explains why I was too tired to really write at the time what was going on. Now by the 2 week, we were starting to grasp things, so we were able to start hangin out with each other in our hotel rooms at night, but again only for like an hr or so, cause we would still need to go to bed at decent times to crank our bodies out the next day.

The piece we're working on is for a performance in Germany, and it's just a 1 time gig so we'll put it together, go over there and work it out for 2 and a half weeks and then be done. And if Pilobolus doesn't like me, they can just never call me again, but hopefully the plan for them is to keep using me, which is what I hope. Now since it is a one time gig, we don't have a consistent rehearsal schedule, actually it's kind of on crack. We had 2 and a half weeks on, and now we have 6 weeks off, then 3 days on, then 2 weeks off, then 5 days on then we go to Germany. The only nice thing about the time off is we can actually get back in shape again. Now It's not that we're not being physical, but it's not technical dancing, or even aerobic dancing, it's a lot of choreographed movements with certain dance flair. Now what's funny is that I am considered to be this Dancer- dancer, this ballet boy, who is just all about technique, Now I don't know how this came to be, but whenever there actually needs to be a beat or a count to a rhythm, they get me to count it. Or they'll ask me for some dance move or always assure me that they'll be some dancy moment. I just laugh. So I just try and live up to that.

More to come!!

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