Thursday, June 7, 2007

80"s Pop!

Well hello, yes it has been a little while, for that I am sorry.

Nothing to exciting has been happening at the theatre. We are doing a great job with the show, but there is no other exciting thing going on. I guess that's not true, We have been passed on to the second round of category judging for the barrymore awards. In philly it's like our local Tony awards( which by the way the Tony's is on this sunday night, it's the oscars for broadway and live stage.)

Anyway so we are getting that prestige which is pretty cool for this small up and coming theater. Oh and here's a cool heart feel good. So on Sunday after the show I was summoned to come out quick after the show to see someone who wanted to see me after the show. It turned out to be this little boy. 7 or 8, and he had wrote my name on this ticket and drew a star on it, and gave it to me. His mom said that I totally inspired him, and had really had a great effect on him, and that he wanted to talk to me during intermission but was to scared. so that was pretty cool, and made my day. and get this, it ended up being one of the judges son. Ha!

Anyway, this past monday I got up early and took the trek up to NYC for the audition for the first national tour of The Wedding Singer. Yes it is takin straight from the movie. Yeah wouldn't this be a fun show to be doing for a yr, totally. Now this wasn't the first audition for this. They had one earlier in march, which I thought I totally missed out on. But then I saw another posting for men in may on their website. I was extremely happy that i still had a chance. and I'd also come to find out that the owner of the theater I work at now has friends in the production company of this tour, so he was even able to make a call for me. But they had screwed up on their website and put the wrong days and dates, so I missed that one too. Then I saw the one for this past monday, and so come hell or high water( and it seemed like the latter was about to be presented), I made a way there. Now it was a singers call, and they wanted an 80's pop song, oh gees, so I had to go out and by a new song book, and figure out a song. So I get to good old chelsea studios, with my fantastic peanut m&ms, and go check in the room.


All white guys. That's right, the posting did say they were still looking for the leads, and for Ronald Reagan, and Billy Idol look alike for the ensemble. So here I am in a sea of vanilla, wondering if I should even stay. Now there is only 1 black guy in the show and that is only because in the 80's montage he is Mr. T. Now I figured they already have there guy, but maybe they didn't have his understudy. I decided to wait out in the lobby watch some tv, when who calls me out from the doorway but my friend Kim, from my show Aida! Awesome! Now I had been trying to get ahold of her so I was ecstatic to see her. I was also very excited to see her, because I was told that she had gotten a role in the very thing I was there for, The Wedding Singer, so I was trying to congratulate her. She is the only black girl in the show, for the 80's montage of being Tina Turner.

Now she told me they already had their black guy, but that this company always keep people on file, so I stayed and sang. Now by the time I was up there had come more black guys, but none really for the look of Mr T. Since it was 80's pop, and I really didn't have much time, I had to go with something I kind of knew, So We are the World was what I was stuck with, and the funny thing is I had to learn the notes of the verse from the youtube video of the actual 80's recording. which was pretty cool to see again. God still has a plan. Somethings going to happen.

1 comment:

Slobo said...

I pity the fool who turned down Alfie Parker for a role in Wedding Singer!

That's pretty cool about that boy you inspired. Keep it up!

Good chatting with you last night. Hope to see you on the 30th!