Saturday, January 5, 2008

Happy New Year!!

Well, life goes on. and on the new year I turned 27. Happy Birthday ME!!
I haven't found out any more information on the termination, and it kind of looks like I have to go the route of legal representation. All of my professional friends in the bizness say that I really need to get an answer. So, who knows.
Now I look at this situation in 2 ways. Being a very spiritual man, and striving for a real relationship with Christ, I have to believe that in my life is working out for my ultimate good. I believe this cause it says in Jeremiah 29:11 " for I know the plans I have for you, plans to give you a hope and a future." So it works out in my mind like this,
Being that there is someone who wants my good, there has to be someone who wants my bad. This enemy has been given power to do things to destroy my heart, discourage me, and ultimately ruin my relationship with God who wants this good for me, So this could be something he has done to bring me down, if that is the case, I know that what ever happens will work out for me well, cause God said that He would work it out for my good. And the other scenario is that God had it in His plan for this to happen, and happen as smooth as it did, and clean as it was, so that a greater good could happen( hmmm what a great coincidence that I got this call from Cirque du soleil!, and now the time to really prepare for it, and go balls to the wall for them) oh and I don't believe in coincidences. I have the faith that things are going to be just fine.
In fact I've already gone to nyc to audition! As I was there I realized though I was not in the condition I needed to be in though to be there, and that I really wanted to take this month to really get in shape and get good for Cirque, so I decided to scratch the other auditions I had planned to go to. I've already got my job back at the gym, and now just have to find a day to clean the studios again, I'll be better than ever in no time!! Here is a little of the video I made for my Cirque du Soleil audition.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Hey--that video looks GREAT! Have you heard from Cirque yet?