Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A German ER

So, I had my first accident ever.
Last night right at the end of our performance. During the last section of the dance which is like this hip hop party, I have a solo where I do some turns, and then do a big toe touch. Well right when I do that the girls come in around me, and we all dance, and we all have to exit at the same time. Usually I would just dive role with Molly slightly behind,beside her. but I have been developing a sore, and rough spot on my bone right where I slam into it on the role, so I changed it to a cart wheel, so I wouldn't hurt myself anymore. In the process of me trying to not hurt myself, my second leg ended up coming down on Molly's head, and when trying to compensate away from her, I almost went off stage. She is a huge trooper, and the show was almost over literally like 3 more counts of eight or something, and she said she was alright. Well it wasn't until one of the dancers realized that the color red tricking down to her neck and shoulders wasn't from the sweat running her makeup, So we ended up going straight to the ER. My toenail ended up slicing her ear right on the seem of the top of her ear, and she needed to get 5 stitches. Well Of course I felt totally like the biggest dog poopie there is. But dude the waiting room in a German hospital is sooooo boring!!!
So when we back to the Hotel we found that the staff saved us dinner, which was great of them. And to help make Molly and I feel better Marco made us these amazingly awesome, Icecream sundaes!! And man that act of kindness simply raised my whole demeanor.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

God bless you Alfie! ~andrew