Wednesday, April 4, 2007

The question? and Down stage center!

Well, I have now finished my first week of rehearsals, And let me just say I love this musical! What is really cool about this whole experience is that I feel like a superstar. Since the production team wanted me to do the show so much, they are always asking how everything is going, and have been so willing to help me out when I need it, and let me just say that it humbles me so greatly. Now I feel obligated to be as professional as I can be, and to work as hard as I can for them. and It's always nice to feel wanted, and a valuable part of something,(especially in this business of constant rejection). The costumer asked me if I was comfortable showing my stomach in the show, either like the guy in the picture with a vest, or a small cut off shirt, and when I slightly protested, he said why not you did it for Media.( the last show I was in there was a dance number where the only thing the men had on was a rag of material fastened in some way around our pelvis)

The first dance we learned was the press conference rag,( if you've seen the movie it's the number where the reporters are marionette dolls.) Talk about a work out! the whole thing is down on chairs, and half of the choreography is kicking of some sort, to the point where we actually grab each others arms and do a sitting Rockette kick line. It's so intense that we end up grabbing our chairs and doing a doubled legged kick line. Wow, talk about feeling the burn. I had done a pretty intense workout in the gym friday, with some heavy abs stuff, ( you know trying to get ready to have them be protruding), so adding on this dance routine has placed me in a position to not be able to work on my stomach for 4 days, and it still hurts to stretch out my stomach. man I'm gonna be freakin sexy after this show! Please pray for the energy and strength to continue to do well.

I think the thing that made me feel awesome this week, was when I found out that I open the show, that's right The lights come up on me with 1 trumpet playing, and me dancing center stage, and then I bring everyone else in. I have not felt this awesome in a while. But you'd better believe every chance I get I'm in a mirror working on my choreography. We also learned the famous opener "all that jazz", and I end the number in the front slamming my crotch down into a split for the final pose. So Hot! Man I love the dancing in this musical!


j u s t i n said...

that sounds cool alfie...but what show is it and where is it? Did i totally miss that part?

ABA said...
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ABA said...

WORK IT OUT!!!! I am sooo happy for you!!! I will be praying for you as you learn more choreography. Blessings!!!

Unknown said...

What exactly is the name of the place/company/... that you are doing the show for? I'd love to look into coming sometime !