Tuesday, July 3, 2007

6 shows to a new beginning

Hello Hello,

Well folks I only have 6 shows of CHICAGO left, so if you want to come see how awesome and sexy and goofy and chocolate God made me, you'd better hurry up! I had a total of 8 people come see me, Kim and her sister, Jason Puckey, (that's him on the right) and a group from my church,(Andrew,Irene,Melody,Jason,Rachel, minus the 2 guys in the middle behind me). You know I had to give them all shout outs on my blog, You too can get a shout out!! And there will be pictures soon!!
The show is going very well, we are in the runnings for a couple of nominations for the Barrymores,(the philly Tony's). In fact we've had 11 judges come out of 15, and you only need 6. So it's a good show. But I am so glad it will be over soon. It has been a long process that I have learned alot thru, but it will be nice to not have all the burdens with it.
The Fun Stuff
So I finally had my contract offer and negotiations, and agreement, just yesterday, so that's it I am actually in the cast now, and I should get my contract papers probably thursday!!!!
How awesome is this! This is exactly what I wanted for this time in my life, and God has just made it all happen. I am just so absolutely friggin excited. To get some advice on touring I had a 3 way call with 2 of my friends from AIDA, Latasha and Kim, who are both in tours(HAIRSPRAY,WEDDING SINGER), That was such an awesome conversation, and did so much to help me be more professional on tour. It's a long contract, I think about 10 months.
My rehearsals start august 20th, our first show is sept. 18, and the end date is, ok get ready.... july 6. Wooo baby. Right now I do know that I will probably have a layoff around christmas dec 18 to a day or 2 after my birthday jan 2 or 3. But I won't get an itinerary to I go out on tour, cause they are still booking it. But being the over excited somewhat anxious person I am I googled evita tour dates a couple of times and found some ticket places. So I do know that we'll be in, FL,IN, WI,AZ,ME,SC,VA,LA. I think greatest thing is that we're going thru my home town State College!(that's Penn State). Other close venues to philly are Baltimore MD, in january, and just so you philly guys don't feel to lonely without me for a year, Wilmington, DE. That's right we'll be doing I think a week engagement at the dupont theatere only a half hr away from philly in Wil, DE in May, and I'm pretty sure the dates are the 13-18. So now you all have to come see me. I told you if you didn't see me in the little shows around philly, you were just waiting to pay the big bucks to see me, and again, the tickets are only going to go up from here.

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