Monday, July 23, 2007

When in doubt, sex it out!

That was the saying of the cast of CHICAGO.

We actually put it on the back of our show shirt. And you would think that most people who work at that theatre took that very literally, that's all I'll say about that.

The show is over now, and for that I am very glad, um, very glad. It was a hard experience to be in that show, but through the difficulties I have learned how to have better character, and to truly stand for what kind of person I want to be about. I actually did have the chance to leave that show early, but I wanted to prove to them and to myself, that I'm made of,and for stronger stuff. And that I am the kind of person who is not trying to burn bridges and leave a bad name for myself. But man it was very hard.

I put some of the closing night cast pictures up here for ya, the picture of me and Nora(who was our Velma) is us celebrating our best body award, by actually being able to eat again!

Me sexy on a motorcycle! Yeah I know I look cool. There was always craziness going at this theater, and sometimes I did get involved, (Now don't hate, just laugh!)

we managed to have a fun time in the costume shop!

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