Friday, November 16, 2007

Weed City

Well We just came from Eureka/Arcata Ca, which we were formally told, is one of the biggest marijuana growing cities in the whole North America.

We performed at Humboldt State University. It was a pretty weird town, I'm not going to lie. There wasn't really any good looking people, and it really looked like everyone was just stoned, which was probably true. We even felt like our audience was pretty high. Not gonna lie. We ended up having a brush up rehearsal, which is fine, but they didn't plan it wise enough, so people ended up having to go early and hangout at the theater all day waiting for there slot. So I ended up just watching Muppets Take Manhattan, (which is fabulous by the way), and oddly enough is about a bunch of kids, well animals, and muppets or different people, graduating from school, and trying to make it big on Broadway. Nothing real exciting to report, right now we're in Eugene Oregon, And there seens to be nothing going on here either. Keep me in your prayers though, especially for my voice.

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