Saturday, December 15, 2007

We are finally down to the last day!

We are here now in Phoenix Az, We had a long day of driving to get here, but I was on the floor for most of it so it went by pretty fast for me. I am just so excited and so happy that I will be going home in well, tomorrow!!!! YEAH!!!!!
Now to have a little fun, we have been playing and gift exchanging thru Secret Santa. On the bottom of our lists that described things we liked we put down a wish. Now this wish is something you would want done that has no involvement with money, but can be anything you can think of, that is in good standards and boundaries. The only real stipulation is that it can't effect the show, and it has to be done on wish day.( there were actually 2 days to fulfill it) And our secret santa is suppossed to set it up and make it happen.
Now Elizabeth's wish was to have Omar where his Halloween costume all day. Now it's a pretty standard Frat boy costume, has to do with alcohol, and there's something on him that says blow here down by his you know wheres. Apparently the costume is a Breathalyzer. So he obliged and did. They can be as simple as back rubs, to as extravagant as 2 crew guys in their boxers with big red bows around their chests caroling to you. It's all pretty much in your imagination. In fact Ralphie our guitarist wanted to walk across the stage with the Aristos from the show while being fed grapes. Well now there was no way he could have done that during the show, but Elizabeth his SS made it happen still. After sound check she got the aristos all together to make their cross, and she stood next to Ralphie as they walked across singing, and fed him fruity gummy snacks. So it's all a matter of being creative. Hanks wish was to have his own dressing room, so His SS set up this posh space, with mirror and all in the bathroom stall! It was extremely hysterical, and Hank loved it and chortled like we did. Now since his SS was Omar, who is a lead and has his own dressing room usually, he just gave him an I O U that said he could use it sometime. Now I know you're wondering what my wish was, well mine was pretty crazy, I wished to have the whole backstage crew tuck me in one night singing to me "you are my sunshine" in their underwear. See I went to the wild side. Needless to say it didn't happen. Actually I have been feeling pretty jipped by my SS all together. One day while we were at a bus stop, someone comes on the bus handing me this black bag of peanut butter cups, chocolate covered peanuts, and this plush stuffed dog. Now our mass limit was 20$, and he left the price tag on everything, which all added up to 20, so I figured and am right so far that I am not getting anything else. I think my SS is Jet. He didn't even know that I despise dogs! But anyway, My person to give gifts to is Gabriel. His secret wish was to just have an awesome day of fun, or to get an intense back massage. So I made him have a big people scavenger hunt. What he had to do was figure out who the clue on the card was talking about, and go to them to get the next clue. And the last clue lead him to Chris miller, one of the 3 most saught out back meusers on this tour. He was going around all day trying to figure it all out, He kept saying how much fun he was having. So I felt good that I had a cool accomplishment on . and still have more presents for him.

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Anonymous said...

