Friday, October 19, 2007

Nothing to exciting to report,

We're performing in Gainesville right now, one more show here.
Last night we were in West Palm Beach, and we performed at an Opera house. It was huge, and beautiful. We knew it was an opera house by the number of chorus dressing rooms they had, and by the massive backsatge and wing space they needed for their large sets. It was the first venue in a while where we actually had a full show, because it had all this space. We were also informed that this big 2100 seater was also sold out, entirely. now this place had like 3 or 4 balconies, so we were shocked, people said it was like singing at the Met. Well the only dissappointing thing about this night was we did not get a standing Ovation, well guess it had to happen sometime.

Our director came to see the show tonight to clean it up, and make sure we are doing ok, and Praise God he is not making us rehearse. We're going try and go to the movies tomorrow, see across the universe.

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