Monday, October 15, 2007

the grand opera house

A really neat thing about being on this kind of tour that hits a whole bunch of really old small towns, is that we're in a lot of old theatres with some crazy history behind them. Right now we're in Macon Georgia, and this theatre might be the most historic so far.

Back in the 70's which I know is not that long ago, the owner of this theatre committed suicide in an upstairs room in front of a fire place, so of course we went searching for the room and the fireplace. Of course we found it and took pictures there.He apparently over dosed on some pills, but there was also a revolver found on the scene I think, maybe he was trying to drug himself into shooting himself as a precaution.

One thing we like to do is run around these old theatres, trying to find secret passage ways, and tunnels and closed doors in basements to find "things of the unknown!" And of course be scared out of our wits. (some way more easily than others)

Now this theatre, the Grand Opera house, is very old, and beautiful, very ornate, and has a high and steep balcony. The interesting thing about the balcony was that it was all wood, very stiff high wood, with not very big seating space. How interesting, of course I knew exactly why, and when someone pointed it out It was the first thing I said, "that's where the black people sat" point blank there you have it, no surprise to me. Now that section isn't used at all. But it was interesting how offended others were, (especially since I am one of 2 people of color in this show) It's like they didn't believe what happened in history in the south. Hank asked me if it affected me, nope, I know the history of these places, I said, and look where the black person is now.

On our explore tour we went behind the balcony and found a trap door, well of course me being the only one with courage I took the flashlight and went down, and in, and around. Of course I had to have fun, so I turned off the flashlight, and went dead silent. HAHAHAHA they were so goofy, some ran away, then they started screaming, and then I let out a screeching yelp! Man it was fun.

Of course we're going strong with the standing O's. and last nite the leads got flowers thrown on the stage, yeah...any way, Hank and I also went to this incredible Italian restaurant, oh I love great food!!

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